Complex story, I’ll try to cut it short. Main background points
10 years together
F had bad crash 5 years ago (me)
Weren’t ever going to live together until Crash changed things
Offered for him to leave repeatedly in the first year
Paid out by insurance- bought him a truck, machinery etc.
Previously a huge ‘car’ person
Court matter recently resolved

Ok. So. With the money from court, I purchased the property we’re living on- 45 acres with a beautiful big farmhouse on it. We had discussed it previously- and he couldn’t/can’t borrow money because he hasn’t done his taxes for years- he’s a small businessman. I have two adult children and he has a 17 year old who lives with us. So, I put the property in my name so my children benefit, as his daughter will from her mother.

Since then, he got snarky and snappy, so I sat him down to talk. He told me he believes he should get around $100k from me for looking after me since the crash. I went back to work, was medically retired and started breeding pedigree cats, so it’s not that I haven’t contributed, purchased large items etc. He then said he wanted a bobcat (machine) which i subsequently bought.

Scroll forward. I was doing the drive to my old home town, where I also wish to buy a house. This would take me past the crash site and was a pretty big deal for me. I had asked him repeatedly to please take my car in to town prior to my departure and have 4 new tyres put on it. Of course I was paying for them.

Two days before I left, he took the car, bought it home and said it was done and it was $1300. I gave him the money and thought nothing more of it. Until…I’m leaving to return home and actually check my tyres. And they’re not new at all! The two front ones are from the rear of my vehicle and the two rear ones (different tyres) are second hand! (I called the tyre place because I was fuming).

So not only has he let me drive over 2,000kms on second hand and older tyres, he lied to me. My kids had two major rules- don’t lie to me and don’t steal from me- everyone who knows me, knows this. I have given this man my keycard and account info for years- and he lies to me.

Should I just call it quits or do I somehow work towards trying to forgive him and trust him again. I hope that all made sense. Thanks in advance

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