Women who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss, what do you want the world to know/remember about you and your baby’s story? And did they have a name?

  1. My little guy’s name is Oliver Flynn. He died very unexpectedly and without explanation at 36w gestation last year. He had the cutest little ears in the world and I miss him everyday.

  2. their name was hyacinth, and i lost the pregnancy at 5 months without knowing their gender yet

    i really wish the people at the hospital had been kinder to me, i was alone and they treated me with cold disdain due to their own assumptions about that.

    i had actually been violently raped, (which was the conception of the pregnancy), and i only knew i was pregnant for a week before the bleeding started

  3. I’d like the world to know that some people have miscarriages and it doesn’t really affect them. I’ve had two, and both times my opinion was “well clearly there was something wrong with the fetus and I’d probably aborted after an amnio if necessary”. Neither fetus had a name other than “Baby Mylastname” that was the default on the ultrasounds.

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