(17m) My friend group of about 8 people whom I was really close with got physically seperated over a year ago because everyone went off to a different school for grades 11 and 12 (common where I’m from). We were really really active on our gc for a year, hanging out in person frequently. This changed when I deleted my Instagram account around new year for mental health and academic reasons. The group shifted to WhatsApp to facilitate this. Im low key hyper offline these days and i never interact on the group chat. The gc is now dead and I feel quite guilty.

I’ve grown into a deep comfort of not communicating online. I despise texting these days. (Mind you, i used to text people everyday a few months ago but now, zilch.)
I still love the people in that group and want to have a good relationship with them, but i can’t bring myself to text them. I ghosted a friend from the group I was really close with for like 4 fucking months by mistake (?)and I feel like shit for it.

How do I get myself to like texting again so I can talk to these people?
I value their friendship and i want to stop being a selfish prick about it.

TLDR: Can’t get myself to use messaging apps as a form of communication with my friends, losing them as a result.

1 comment
  1. Cold harsh truth: you CANNOT build a genuine connection with anybody if your only form of communication is online. Doesn’t matter if you think you can. You cannot convey tone or emotions through text. You can’t see body language. Message/text/DM people to set up a face to face communication or to an actual in person activity. You’ll stand out considerably and avoid all the BS online that you would be getting into. It seems you know how to connect with them in real life. So keep doing that ! In any case, Read all the tips listed here, especially the ones on genuinely connecting with people, interacting in person, and adding value to people’s lives: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/trlexh/how_to_avoid_being_needy_or_stop_being_needy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

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