How does it feel when a six pack is developing?

  1. You have a six pack already, you just need to lower your body fat enough to see it.

  2. You mean how does every human who has abdominal muscles from when they’re a baby feel?

    Upright id say, as long as they have worked on their posture

  3. Not an ounce of difference, it’s not like you’re sprouting a completely new muscle group.

  4. When I really tired to get my abs to show, I remember just feeling sore in the abdominal area for months. Eventually when I got them to show, I basically felt like I did when I had an empty stomach but the moment I ate just enough, the feeling went away.

  5. They dont. You always have decent abs. Without those you wont be able to stand up and walk around (though i guess it is reddit, so at least half of the people can barely standup so it may be confusing). The reason why people see a front-ass instead of the abs is that they shove too much food into their mouth hole.

    The progression is:

    Front ass -> no front ass -> no semi inflated balloon -> abs

  6. If you are training your six pack you can feel sore in that area. Same feeling you have if you train your legs and the feel sore. But you don`t feel devloping of muscles as fare as I know. It really depends how hard you train. You can get a sixpack without feeling sore. So you will feel absolutly nothing it will just start showing. Best time to look is right after you trained and dind`t eat yet from my expirienc. You can feel your abs if you flex and touch them before you can see them.

  7. You don’t. It’s literally just realizing one day that “Hey! This muscle group can do this thing it couldn’t before and I can actually feel it contract and activate now.” Get your diet right enough and they’ll just show themselves without really even having to technically do all that much if you can manage to stick too your macros and training goals lmao

  8. You’re always hungry and standing with normal good posture feels like you’re stretching.

  9. Its winter so it feels cold. Weight loss is always rougher in the winter, but if you want to look good for the summer…

  10. I gave up trying to keep them visible. I’m not fat by any stretch of the definition but the energy required to keep something that is only seen a few days out of the year is pointless

  11. Ive had a six pack since forever.

    Its strange because from my own POV I don’t feel like a have a nice looking body, I just look strangely shaped to my own eyes.

    Its other people who say I’ve got a six pack

    But perhaps I have a mild form of body dysmorphia

    I just like working out and eating little because it somehow feels good when you don’t feel bloated

  12. You will develop the urge to send pictures to people.

    *Do not do this. You will never be allowed to live it down.*

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