Okay so me and my friend let’s call her Sarah go out drinking and she’s a little flirtier than normal at the bar, I don’t really think much of it. She then invites back to her place to go smoke. We go back to there, and after a bit she leans in and kisses me. In the moment I reciprocated and we hook up. Now I’m just hella confused about what to do. I really like her and enjoy spending time with her but maybe as just a friend. I just don’t know if I could see something more or not and whether I want to risk our friendship or not (cause I really value it).

Like in my head, I’m like it makes sense we share so many common interests and I’m just happy to be around her. But I never thought of her in a sexual or romantic sense. I don’t know if I can I see her as anything but a friend.

Alsooo, I don’t know what she wants, like was it just a once and done thing or not. I’ve gotten really mixed vibes. We spoke about it the next day and she was like it’s awkward and she’s never done this before (just got out of a long term relationship). But she didn’t say it was a mistake or really anything tbh. Just changed the topic and we just chilled for a bit.

Tldr I hooked up with a friend who I’m really close to and can’t really figure out if I like her romantically or not

  1. Maybe she is just looking for a safe rebound. If you aren’t interested in dating her or being a hook up option, just be honest with her and in the near future decline hanging out with her alone or going back to her place etc. Don’t send mixed signals back and just be clear about what you want. If you want to feel it out, tell her that and see start with just like going on an actual date together just to see. Again regardless, just be direct and up front about what you want and how you feel.

  2. Talk to her. It could have just been a convenient hookup. You don’t have to catch feelings. If she’s interested in more figure out how you feel and tell her accordingly.

  3. “That was really fun the other night! Is that something you might want to do again or only the one time? I am interested in either.

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