As a girl, I’ve always wondered how a penis feels during sex, does the whole entire thing feel good or the tip, and what’s it feel like right before/ during cumming

  1. So, when you have sex as a women, the warm, pulsing feeling of a penis feels nice, but in the same way, a guy feels the warm sensation of the vagina around the penis. Any sensations to the tip are the feelings that feel most intense, but usually not as intense as a clitoris feels (I imagine), it just feels good.

    Touching the shaft just feels nice, it’s more sensitive than most other parts of the body but the tip is where it’s at. The area around the exit and the area around the edges of the tip are most sensitive.

    Repeatedly stimulating the tip feels much better when you’re fully erect because the more blood is in the tip, the more sensitive it is. After a while it feels good and at a certain point you know something’s coming up.

    before orgasm you kind of realize something switches into orgasm mode and you get a signal from the prostate (so somewhere between your ass and balls) that your body has begun the final process of joining in the fluids and sperm into ejaculate. The tip becomes more sensitive and everything basically goes into automatic mode, there’s a lot of chemicals in the brain firing telling you to go on and finish (animal brain takes over)

    You can basically feel the cum travelling through the penis as if you have to pee, but you know it’s not pee.

    The exact moment you cum, feels bliss. All the right chemicals fire in your brain and you’re basically high for a 3 seconds. Tip is still very sensitive as you feel the cum shooting out under pressure and wait for the next waves of ejaculate to fire, though those are not as good as the first one

    Any questions?

  2. Pretty much just the tip, and only a small part of the tip. The head is called the glans (Latin for acorn), and it has a rim. The glans lacks sexual sensation, except for its upper rim. Or maybe I’m unusual. Anyway, the main sexual spot on the penis is on the underside of the tip. There on the underside, the rim of the glans is interrupted at a point close to the urethral opening. Starting at this location, there is the appearance of a cord underneath the skin, running lengthwise for less than an inch (I guess longer in lucky guys with long tools). That strip is where almost all the male sexual sensation is located. That tiny strip is the functional equivalent of the clitoris. That strip is what we men most need to rub inside a bodily hole. Although it’s a grand feeling in the shaft when something wraps around it snugly and slides back and forth, that touch will never give me an orgasm.

    Now in addition, on me at least, the upper rim of the glans started out being hypersensitive. Touching it added to the joy of sexual sensation, but in youth, I couldn’t stand to touch it and nothing else, but the rim became comfortable to touch as long as I was also rubbing the main spot. Now that I’m way older, the upper rim of the glans has lost almost all sensation. (Lesson: exercise self discipline, don’t let your body age as you get older.) Because of the upper rim’s contribution, in giving a younger man a BJ in the ordinary position — that is, the tops of the heads of both the giver and receiver pointing in the same direction — the dutiful sucker will tense up their upper lip so that it snugly snags the upper rim of the glans on the upstroke.

  3. I forgot the second question, about right before orgasm.

    The penis doesn’t feel different at that moment. The orgasm happens in the pelvis.

    Rubbing the clit or the dick, ever faster, provokes the muscles of the “pelvic floor” to have an orgasm. Look up human sexual response. Masters and Johnson proved that sexual arousal, and orgasm, are at the least very similar in women and men.

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