What’s the show that you have never watched but will say it’s terrible till the day you die ?

  1. How I Met Your Mother & The Big Bang Theory

    Never watched it (except for two TBBT eps, but that was bad enough), but know about the misogyny in it.

  2. Friends, Sex & the City, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Emily in Paris

  3. Yellowstone

    I’m a ride or die Kevin Costner fan since baby me listened to Crash Davis interweave vaginas, baseballs and the novels of Susan Sontag into a breathtaking monologue, but I’ve seen enough of Yellowstone to know I would feel very differently about him if I partook in that fandom.

  4. Okay okay don’t hate me: GOT
    I know it’s probably really good, all my friends are into it but I just can’t. LOTR is the only fantasy realm to me

  5. *13 reasons why*

    It does exactly what experts say NOT to do when depicting suicide.

    I hate how the showrunners pretend that it ‘raises awareness’. While statistics show a clear increase in teenagers ending their own lives after watching it.

  6. Game of Thrones, based on how much I’ve had to hear about its sexual violence themes.

  7. Bones

    I will always hate this show because it basically exists cause “Angel” got unfairly cancelled.

    Everytime that I see a promo for bones or a clip of bones someway, I instantly turn the channel.

    I do not care if it has been almost 20 years, I will always hate Bones and I will never sit through an episode of it.

    Oh and in case you are wondering, I hate Seal Team too.

  8. Handmaid’s Tale, idgaf, elizabeth moss is a scientologist, unsure why she is the star in this seems hypocritical

  9. Any reality based show, KUWTK, Real Housewives, Love Island, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, etc. So much made-up-drama-for-ratings and unlikeable people.

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