Have issues with delayed ejaculation where I will last 40 mins+ of straight intercourse exhausting my wife. Though seemingly “fun to have” maybe less good in LTRs so happy to hear any suggestions that don’t have to resort to me finishing myself off to finish while she is exhausted.

Anyone have partners with this problem?

  1. How often do you orgasm? Waiting for longer than usual between them should increase your sensitivity.

  2. Is all about finding a position that creates intense sensation. Just me, but if I want to cum quicker I usually find switching to doggy helps me. Missionary creates less sensation for me. So for longer sessions I will spend more time doing that. You definitely want to avoid her dreading sex.

  3. Having suffered with this for years..Iv finally made a lot of progress and have the best orgasms Iv ever had probably because I’m not as tired and because it feels so much better.
    Penis pump, embarrassing as hell to even say it but omg it works. My wife loves giving bj’s and normally it would take about 20mins of her going like a Dyson but now 5 mins and I have a full body orgasm like never before. It makes blood engorge your glands and the sensitivity goes through the roof.

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