How often do you talk to your friends about your relationships/girls or anything like that? Would it be strange if he never once talked about them?

  1. Very, very rarely. Maybe once or twice a year, honestly.

    It’s just not a topic I feel comfortable discussing, even with my friends. I find it easier to talk about this stuff online, thanks to the anonymity the internet provides.

    My friends are more talkative than me about this stuff, and this sort of stuff pops up every time we get together. I just wait for the topic to change.

  2. I have an ex who ingrained herself into my friend group at the time, would do shitty things to me in private, and then when I was pissed would bring public attention to it. Think Amber Heard. And when I told them my side of the story I was never listened to, or believed, or supported, and eventually lost those friends.

    So I think you can guess my answer.

  3. Me and my buds are all married, one is unhappily married and he complains all the time bc his wife is literally an angry bitch (and always had been). We don’t talk much about our relationships except for the occasional funny thing. For instance, my buddy got he and his wife a baby blue lego moped to put together and she was super excited about it. So we all celebrated his good thinking in the chat and hoped they’d have a good time with it

  4. He’s not your friend if he’s not talking to you about it, or he needs mental health assistance

  5. Rarely. I live my relationship every day, when I’m with friends I’m not going to make it the topic of conversation for that time, too. We talk about other stuff.

  6. Those conversations have almost never come up with any men I’ve known in life. The super occasional times when they have come up, it’s literally been a one liner that we move on from in a heartbeat.

    We don’t bring it up with each other and we don’t ask.

  7. Never talk about anything, unless it’s part of a bigger story or an excuse to not hang out.

    I don’t mean exclusively about me, since there’s nothing to talk about, but with friends from hobby groups, usually older than me and married.

  8. I would just say that I’m seeing someone. Other than that, nah. Also as to your question down below about whether we comment if a woman is hot, not really. I just think, hmm she’s attractive, and move on.

  9. We discuss ideas and we entertain… Unless we really need support or advice. This means that often we dont say something unless we are either exchanging useful information or we are entertaining. The vast majority of our relationship experience does neither unless it causes us problems… Which we will share as ideas. The funny stories become entertainment. Anything that doesnt qualify as one of these two things is usually never mentioned.

    We usually dont feel any need to gush about how we feel or get another person to understand it…. Unless we are looking to validate our ideas or find new ones. If we have a philosophy… We may talk to others to get their opinion to confirm what we think. If we have none or we doubt ours we may search out the opinion of others. If we feel we are assessing our situation correctly… Then we usually feel no need to communicate unless the info is entertaining to the person we talk to.

  10. I mean I don’t really bring it up often but if they bring it up then yeah I’ll talk, there’s a lot of banter to be had when talking about that shit, my friend sometimes tells me funny stories about people he knows and their relationship problems and I found out from him that one of our friends from school is still a virgin. Some other guy told me how he once did a threesome with hookers.

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