what’s something many men find hard to resist?

  1. Booty. It has its own gravitational pull on Men that works like a hypnotic trance. Just like a snake is put into a trance by a snake charmer.

  2. After tying something down, saying “that’s not going anywhere”. I do it every time and am not ashamed to admit it

  3. The urge to see who’s cracking a cold one, even if it’s 6am on a Monday, at work… and a Coca Cola

  4. Cookies.

    Damnit when theyre there im gonna eat the fuck out of them.

    Probably why i dont buy them lmao.

  5. Inapproapriate jokes at inapproapriate times, perhaps its just ne but that seems to be the only time i get creative jokes in my mind. Its difficult to resist cracking them

  6. When your gf/wife is bent over, you have no choice but to interact with the booty

  7. Trying some of whatever you’re cooking before you say it’s done.

    The stretchy pants you can somewhat see through

    Looking at the tools and bits at Home Depot even though we already have them

    Drawing penii in the portable bathrooms at work

  8. Free plant day at my local nursery

    Free samples at the store

    Free promotional items at the local greasey fast food joint

    Free shit at a trade show or con

  9. When she runs her fingernails on me affectionately, especially on my shoulders and back 😌

  10. I’m sure every male could not resist clicking on this page to find out what they could not resist.

  11. stopping what they are doing and trying to find the helicopter in the sky when they hear it in the distance.

  12. Looking at my wife at a party or gathering from across the room and when she looks up at me and smiles that smile thats only mine i just melt.

  13. The two quick trigger pulls on any drill when picking it up.

    Something that has to happen. Everytime.

  14. A diner waitress coming by with the coffee.

    “Freshen that up for ya, hon?”

    Doesn’t matter if I’ve had six cups already. There’s always room for more diner coffee.

  15. A good stick.

    Make sure to leave It standing up agaist a gate or something for another man to come along and enjoy It.

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