I literally don’t have a single friend :^) I know it’s me, I just don’t know why. I know I’m socially awkward, but I’m not sure what I could do instead of what I already do to be any better.

Weird thing is, I’ve never had a problem getting into relationships, but friends? Nope. I’m having a wedding this year and don’t even have anyone to be in my bridal party.

I moved a lot growing up, then pretty much from years 20-30 i was just friendless, bouncing between relationships and making gaming friends that didn’t last.

A lot of people have said at one point or another that I’m weird, but they can’t seem to articulate in what way, or at least don’t want to hurt my feelings maybe?

  1. Embrace the strange. Don’t bother wondering why. Be happy to not be a normal.

    Wear the strange styles. Walk like u own it. Think like you know it all and nothing all at once. And simply find your happiness.

    I’m getting a bit older now. Nearing 50ish. I could rail for days about Carstensen’s socioemotional selectivity theory or Zimbardo’s time perspective theory, but it all comes down to a salient point. Time is fleeting, don’t waste it on folks who you don’t see as long term investments. If they’re not worth being a lifetime friend, they’re probably not a great right now friend.

  2. Ask them straight up “how exactly am I weird?” or “what can I do to communicate better?”. The most common things I have been told when I asked were “talk less monotonously” and “make more eye contact”.

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