In any given week, how often do you let yourself snack (treats like chips, chocolate) and/or have dessert? Let’s say during the day and after dinner

  1. Let myself? I snack whenever I feel hungry and it’s not time for a full meal yet.

  2. As often as I want. My only eating goal right now is to stay at a caloric deficit because I’m trying to lose weight, but junk food and dessert are a near-daily part of that.

  3. I snack/eat when I’m hungry. Pretty much every afternoon when I get home from work, but before it’s too early to think about dinner, I’ll grab some chips or something to munch on.

    During the week, I don’t snack much after dinner, but that’s just…because I don’t want to. I don’t feel the need to limit or restrict stuff like that (because then I’ll obsess over snacks, which isn’t good).

  4. As many times as I want. I don’t limit snacks or portions I just eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full

  5. I plan appropriate snacks 2 or 3 times per day. I’m post gastric sleeve surgery and having 5 small protein heavy meals per day is what my nutritionist suggests.

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