men of reddit, have you been rejected by a woman and still pursued her? why or why not?

  1. Yes it was a hot pursuit

    I WAS a romanticizer. I was also naïve and gullible. I assumed life was like movies. I thought it was the thing to do. Persist a woman, win her heart over. I realized it was not !

  2. Sort of, and I regret it. I stayed friends because I thought it was the mature thing to do, but if you like someone then that doesn’t turn off with rejection. Your subconscious brain keeps whispering things in your ear that aren’t healthy. You start wondering why you’re really doing what you’re doing.

    It’s better for your mental health to get as far away as possible.

  3. Yep. Seen it as a challenge. We ended in relationship for couple of years until I emigrated and it fell apart.

  4. Nope, absolutely not. I haven’t got a problem with approaching but I’m not going to chase anyone. If it’s no, then it’s no. I don’t wanna end up with a restraining order either.

  5. Kept is amicable and I overlooked the infidelity so I could get with her best friends. Took a few months but I doinked them both in the a##.

  6. Nah, I don’t pursue women, I let my personality attract them and if I feel the situation out, I ask them out or just lay what I want on the table, if they aren’t feeling it I’m outa there. I’m tryin to kick it if you ain’t for it then in not gonna put extra energy and effort into that.

  7. Someone liked me a few years back. Went on a date and had a nice time. Went on a few more dates. Then she got back with her ex who she had been complaining about. I asked why and didn’t get much of an answer. Hurt like hell because it was the first serious few dates and crush I had. Had to let go though.

    I was young then. I know when someone brings up their ex, it means get the fuck outta there.

  8. Nope. No interest in me means I stop pursuing. No time for games and no interest in ‘convincing’ you either.

  9. Never. Not once. Getting rejected at least means I know where she stands in regards to me. Much better than getting mixed signals and never knowing for sure.

  10. I’d say no, she’d say yes. Her idea of rejecting me was telling me that she was busy. We were both dumb and young, she couldn’t make it obvious and I couldn’t take a hint.

  11. Maybe when I was a dumb high school kid.

    But nowadays? Nope. That’s life gotta move on.

  12. Yes. Why? Because she wanted to, she just felt weird about it because I was younger than her.

  13. Got rejected countless times by my girl best friend for a decade. We both matured and have been together for a year now. Best relationship ever. I just knew.

  14. Feels like a question asked by a woman who don’t realize how terribly unclear some women are when rejecting people.

    It’s really more a lack of communication from those women than it’s a male thing to continue pursuing. Then we can also have the discussion of how many women love playing hard to get, so a rejection is your first foot in with many MANY young women.

    As a woman, those things are none issues for you. For men, they’re more prevalent.

  15. I have been rejected and then I moved on. Why waste my time trying to convince some woman that I’m worth her time? She isn’t the only woman in the world.

  16. No.

    I’m not Chad / Tyrone, so that is called stalking and harassment and I did not risk arrest and / or restraining order.

  17. Nah. Nothing I do will turn that no into a yes, as that has never happened in my life up to this point anyway so why even try?

  18. Only once. A female best friend who shot me down because she didn’t want to lose the friendship. 11 years, a wedding, a house, and three kids later, we haven’t lost the friendship.

    99 times out of 100 I would say hell no.

  19. I’m not sure if this fits the question, but her friends convinced her to break up with me, but I eventually won her back. Now we’re getting married next month.

  20. I asked a girl out and was turned down. Her best friend Tammy happened to be my roommate’s girlfriend, who told me “She really likes you. You need to ask her again.” So I did, and got shot down again. I knew she was not interested, but Tammy kept insisting that she was and idiot me figured Tammy should know… I never figured out Tammy’s game, but that poor girl must have thought I couldn’t take a hint. Ugh.

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