I matched with a girl on Saturday, she even messaged me first, we hit it off, agree to go on a date Monday night, date goes great we get along never an awkward moment and never run out of things to say. At the end of the date I give her a hug and we say goodbye.

We text later and I ask her out on a second date on Wednesday, she says yes, we go on a second date, and same thing happens, it goes great, super friendly, ends in a hug.

A couple days later I ask her out for a third date. And never get a response. And knowing her schedule and everything, I am absolutely certain she would have responded by now.

I’m not mad, just a little let down. I liked this girl, and at the very least would just like to know why. Is this a normal thing for people to do? Was it because I didn’t physically escalate things more than a hug? Was I too friendly?

TLDR: Got ghosted after 2 great dates. What did I do wrong? Can someone please ease my suffering

  1. It could be something about you which just didn’t sit right. Or personal things happened and she is deprioritizing dating. Or she’s commitment averse and got turned off the moment she realized things were heading somewhere. Or she was also dating someone else and that connection went the distance. Or this was all an elaborate ruse. Or or or…

    There’s no way to know whether it’s even about you, let alone what specifically. Don’t assume a mistake. Don’t assume anything. Find a new date.

  2. you are coming on a little strong. 2 dates in 1 week? planning a 3rd already? slow down.

  3. There’s no way for us (or probably even you) to know why she ghosted you, but it should be enough to know that she did. Eventually, she may reach out. When she does, maybe that’s the time to ask, but it’s likely you aren’t going to get the honest truth. People who ghost like this usually aren’t honest about why.

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