What is your truth? And would you stick to your truth even if it hurts other people?

  1. My integrity and ethics are my core, and my values and choices are built on that base.

    My personal truth isn’t harmful to others, so the second part of the question isn’t relevant in my case.

  2. There is no “my truth” there’s only The truth. I’m an honest person, but I’m also respectful so I guess it would depend on the situation if I’d stick to the truth even if it hurt someone.

  3. My truth is that humans are social creatures, which means that we should all do our best to look out for each other and ease others’ suffering if and when we can.

    Makes it pretty easy to both stand by my truth *and* not hurt people, tbh.

  4. My truth is that all life is, is the following: you make an accurate map of the world, you identify your core values in full light of reality, then you use your map to navigate towards those values. Lots of folks want to change the map to what they wish reality was, because they think this will somehow change reality. This just makes you weaker. Reality is what it is. You’re better off working with it than against it. If you have a bad map, you’re going to get lost.

    I have some pretty fringe beliefs, but I’m confident they’re the most likely to be true, which is why I believe them. If something is true, it doesn’t matter how inconvenient or ugly it is.

  5. Is that similar to a hot take or hard to swallow pill? If so, then I’d say that the real world won’t cater to you or your feelings. So forcing other people to follow your rules or definitions of lifestyles is not going to work, regardless of how passionate you are about it.

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