Hi all,

Has anyone else had this issue?

I’ve had sex with 12 different women in the past 7 days (14 sex sessions). but now I find I no longer have desire for sex. In fact, I can’t get erect anymore…this is the first time in my life I’ve experienced this.

Is it possible to have too much sex? Wtf is going on. I know this question sounds ridiculous, but I am legitimately concerned.


  1. No, it’s not.

    Think about married couples who have sex 2x per day. It’s not about if it’s different people or the same person.

    ED (idk if you have a dick but if you do) is common and very related to your mental health. I go thru hyper sexual times and then for a month I’m not interested in sex. It’s normal. Hormones, mental health etc effects it. And perhaps the novelty of sex as just a physical act has worn off.

  2. My wife and I do it usually at least once a day, many times twice or even three times. I don’t think this is a problem.

  3. I dont think its coz of u had sex alot from last couple of years almost every day i do it sometimes twice never had this problem though

  4. Go take Economics 101 … this is called the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Basically means the first time you do something, you will get lots of enjoyment from it, but each additional unit will give you less and less enjoyment until eventually you will not get any enjoyment from an additional unit.

    First year university professors inevitably teach it with the example of drinking beer (till the stage where you throw up), but my (near) famous prof from UW (in Canada) used masturbation instead … by the time you jerk off for the 10th time in a day, it is sore and bleeding and you just don’t enjoy it.

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