Okay so I saw this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/11jbx6x/my_36m_husband_wont_kiss_me_for_a_couple_of_days/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

And I was Wondering if anyone else has it the opposite way. Like mine won’t kiss or anything after oral. Like she’s very strict about it and it can be a bit of a mood killer. But I go with it since I do enjoy going down on her. But it generally has to be like a whole separate thing. Seen alot of people commenting how it’s a thing for guys but is anyone else’s girl like this 😂.

Doesn’t bother me, I love her to bits just interested

  1. I love it when he kisses me after eating me out. At that point, I’m just itching to be pounded to rubble.

  2. I thought I’d have a problem kissing my bf after he went down on me but honestly by that point I’m ready to go and I don’t care.

  3. I have no problem making out with my wife after she blows me. Even if I cum in her mouth I’ll still make out with he after. Doesn’t bother me at all.

  4. I pull my guy up for a kiss while his face is slick with me. And expect the same from him. I wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t down for that.

  5. To me, the difference is if it’s happening right away or days later. I prefer if my guy isn’t dripping wet pussy juice all over my face when kissing me, cuz I think it’s a gross sensation to have a wet beard rubbing your face lol. But certainly wouldn’t say oh no kissing for days later.

  6. My first GF was like this and it sucked because my favorite thing to do is eat pussy 🤤 but if I remember correctly she got over it at some point in the 3 year relationship. GFs or hook-ups since I’ve had no issue. I prefer when they pull you up right after you give them multiple orgasms and start making out with you. I’d do the same 😛

  7. I’ve been with enough men that refuse to go down on a woman ever so the fact that you want to be there already is a turn on. Come on up and take all the kisses. I’ll shove my tongue in a little extra to get a better taste too.

    As for me giving you a blowy… If you want my head down there, you need to be willing to have a taste too. If you’re not willing to taste, why should I be down there? Plus, just makes me feel better about the job I did/am doing when you give me a kiss after/during.

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