A bit of a morbid question, I know, but I’ve seen 3 dead birds in my back garden just in the last month or so. I woke up to the third one this morning. I’m wondering if anybody else has been experiencing this, too? Doesn’t seem like a coincidence. I’m in South Wales if that helps.

Edit: thanks, guys. Called Defra and bird has been safely disposed of and the crow that was eating it can no longer enjoy its meal. Now to clean up the massive bloodstain…

  1. If you don’t have a cat yourself there is a cat in your neighborhood who likes you.

  2. Feline business.

    Or you have lots of gaps in your building!

    Or it’s flu season.

  3. Likely bird flu. Try not to touch them. This could well turn into the next pandemic, and it’s not as much fun as covid; at least you can say you got in early on the story.

  4. Feral pigeons were dying all over before Christmas. One died on its nest. The large flocks that used to circle the town have been much reduced.

  5. Aurora Borealis over the UK, dead birds….Earth’s core has stopped spinning and we’re doomed.

  6. Bird flu, cat or sparrowhawk.

    About 10 years ago we had a few dead birds turn up in our garden, one of the cats got the blame (we had 3; one would go out, one was elderly and had broken a hip a few years before, and one didn’t go out at all). Until one day I was washing dishes and BAM! A sparrowhawk flew down out of nowhere, grabbed a pigeon and slammed it against the kitchen window and dropped it into the garden. Mystery solved.

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