I’d say I do it only when it’s completely obvious someone is interested in me. So, rarely. Maybe a few times a year.

I also don’t know how to deal with conflicting information.

As in, some people say you should wait and get to know someone before asking them out. Yet, there is also a popular opinion that maintains you shouldn’t become friends with a woman that you want to ask out. Because by the time you’re friends, there’s something at stake by asking her out.

And the list of where people want to be asked out is highly individual. And women have very subtle signs. Is someone adding me on Instagram that I’ve talked to interested or just friendly?

I feel like the best thing going forward is to low-pressure ask women out for coffee or whatever early on. Nothing is at stake and it’s much easier to just become friends if neither person has any feelings or thought invested in the other person. Thoughts?

  1. Everyone is different, you should do what you feel like doing, what seems will let you enjoy your free time better. If that includes asking someone out, so be it.

    You should treat each situation based on the situation itself.

    For example, the only time I asked a girl out for a date, in a way that was the right moment and right way, was after she messaged me every day for a full week after we first met. It was super clear what her intentions were. She created an excuse, I took the hint and asked her out, during the walk I suggested we had already done what we were there for (according to the excuse) while being open to stay more and she wanted to stay more. As you see it’s very particular stuff that only made sense for this specific situation. I didn’t apply any rule of thumb or anything.

    Also in the end it didn’t work out, so nothing is guaranteed and shouldn’t be though as such.

    So yeah, just have fun, be curious about people, and do what you feel like doing, ofc respecting their choices and freedom.

  2. Probably once or twice a month. Even after 27 years of marriage, my wife still likes to be asked. She’ll do the same for me too.

  3. I’ve been out of practice for some time now but I wouldn’t over complicate it, so your last paragraph is on point. If you find yourself compelled enough to want to learn more about someone, chat with them for a second to gauge interest looking for positive body language, and then ask them out to grab a coffee or something simple if you’d think it’s worth it. I believe in a two week window of meeting someone to ask them out on a simple date. It keeps you from getting to emotionally involved in the outcome and overthinking it.

    If she says that’s good if she says no then move on. Remember, a date is just an opportunity to learn more about someone, nothing more.

    Avoid asking people in the service industry out where you are the customer. Remember, they have a vested interest in being nice to you and this will almost certainly yield false signals.

  4. Well, same as you only if someone usually interested in me so not very often, but this year I started to do it as much as possible, I’ve been rejected 80% of the time and cancelled by the rest but I guess it’s something I must do despite the fact I’m ugly

  5. I never ask women out due to a lack of opportunity. But I am considering just making opportunities, even poor ones, for this purpose.

    I accept that there are a lot of social issues around, but most of the time the consequences are not on me so I try not to care.

  6. I’ve had 8 different sexual partners in my lifetime and out of all of them I’ve only officially asked 2 of them out, one was my first gf and the other one was my wife. All the women in between either asked me out or just slid into making it a relationship without labeling it until it needed to be addressed. When I think back on it, I only ever asked someone out officially if I was really wanting something serious with them, and that was incredibly rare.

  7. All my past relationships apart from my current one was with women asking me out.

    The woman in dating now is someone I knew from my high school days who I use to be friends with

  8. I don’t. The second question is moot.

    They can’t lie to you if you never talk to them in the first place.

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