what makes a man a loser?

  1. Not handling his responsibilities, whether that’s his responsibilities to himself (being a fully functioning adult) or his agreed upon responsibilities to another (his job or perhaps the children he had).

  2. His choices. Choosing not to respect others, choosing not to try to improve himself, choosing to undermine others, choosing to listen to jealously and ego.

  3. I think there’s a unique type of person who is concurrently completely dissatisfied with his lot in life while also simultaneously refusing to do anything to change it.

    You’ll often hear them complaining about wanting x, or how they could have done y if something —usually just outside of their control—had been different. Instead of pursuing anything to help realize whatever those things were, they’ll be fixated on it, even decades later, allowing it to rule over them after the moment has long passed, without ever trying to change, grow, or get past it. I think that’s what makes a man a loser. It isn’t failure, it isn’t poverty, it’s a mentality.

  4. This is more of a cultural question that can derives in a social and racial context too, but I guess in my case as living in Latin America here the fact of not having a bunch of women could be seen as a loser

  5. “Hey beautiful, I love you, Me have 18 inch pp, want to see?!”


    “U whore, anyone who likes you is dumb, slut nobody loves you!”

  6. Someone who is unable to take care of himself, doesn’t take no for an answer, throws giant fits when life doesn’t go his way, and spends his time complaining instead of working on solutions. Also entitlement and laziness.

  7. Using drugs.It’s all fun and games when you are a kid but if you are 30+ and still fucking around with drugs maybe you ought to consider that they are why you are failing at life.

  8. No job and not looking for one. A felony record. Living with there parents past 30. Trying to get with with girls way younger than them.

  9. Loser is a word that is used to dehumanize men and shame them into doing things that are not in his best interest.

    You can do everything right in life and still get divorce raped and lose your kids and everyone will think you’re a loser. They call you a loser because then they don’t have to care and they certainly do have to dwell on the shitty things your ex-wife just did to you and your family.

    Nothing is ever women’s fault. “Loser” is how they make sure you take the blame and nobody argues with it.

  10. Wallowing in their failures.

    The saying goes: ‘If at first you don’t succeed- try, try again.’

    If you fail to try, and you fail to try again – you’re a loser. It’s okay to fail, it’s not okay to give up.

  11. This can be applied across all genders.

    My go to is if you’re a non functional drug user. If you can’t do basic tasks or carry a conversation you’re out.

    If you cannot treat a person with dignity and respect prior to meeting them. That’s yelling at workers/waitstaff, outwardly fighting over political parties without knowing why they support said party, aggressively opposing religious beliefs just because they aren’t yours, lack of respect over gender or sexuality just because they are, etc. You’re out.

    If you have kids and blatantly walk out on them with no disregard for the kids and their well-being. I understand their are times in situations that you must go due to toxicity and/or violence. If it wasn’t your choice or option to stay i get it. If you walked away because they were a one night stand or just because kids would be a burden to your single life I’m sorry. You’re top tier loser.

  12. There’s really no such thing as winners and losers. Steve Jobs is the loser that abandoned his kid, Elon Musk is the loser that assaults women and pays hush money to cover it up, Mozart is the loser that died at 38 with debts. Marlon Brando is the loser that wouldn’t memorize his lines. Fleetwood MAC are the losers that did more drugs than music…… But we call all these people winners. So basically, what’s the difference?

  13. After you lose enough times it becomes an accurate description.

    Its often applied to young people that it is believed will go down that path.

  14. My favorite quote from the Godfather “a man that doesn’t spend time with his family, Can never be a real man “.

    – growing up with single mother.

  15. No man is a loser until he has taken his last breath and still hasn’t Chosen Jesus Christ as his saviour. Every human born of flesh is a sinner. When you are a baptized born again believer in Jesus Christ you are clothed in His righteousness and God Gives you a new heart with new desires and you are no longer in bondage to sin. It absolutely changed my life and who I am for the better. Only wished I had done it earlier in life. There is so much we are blind to. It’s astounding.
    Chose Christ now, Because you never know when you’ll take your last breath. My fiance was killed in a motorcycle accident at 25 coming home from work….you never know when it’s your time.

  16. Acting selfish, talking down to other people, being cruel to animals, children, people with disabilities, lack of generosity (I’m not speaking of money), only being kind or decent to people they think can somehow benefit them (eg an attractive woman)

  17. Not owning up to his mistakes, continuously making the same mistakes, not learning from mistakes, and constantly blaming others for his own problems.

  18. The only thing that can ever make a man a loser is being disrespectful to those around you or thinking you are superior.

  19. Follow this story: r/TheTpGentleman

    It pretty much explains everything you need to know.

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