My bestfriend has been acting very weird towards me the past few months. She has lied to me, gaslighted me and found weird situations to embarrass & belittle me. She has been working on a film to screen and sell and I’m so proud of her. She filmed an explicit clip of me and I told her it’s too much and would like the clip removed, This was weeks before the release. She said she did and I was happy. She premiered the footage in a real life cinema with over 100 people and I was shocked to see the footage had not been remove but just moved to the end of the film. I’m so embarrassed and humiliated. She also sold physical copies of the film for anyone who wants it.

I confronted her and she didn’t even apologise until I asked and she said it was just an accident. She’s now being passive aggressive and she’s crying like she is the victim. I feel so humiliated and I’m not sure what to do.

Our mutual friends don’t understand how much this has affected me and I’ve been told I’m overreacting. Am I crazy to think this is the final straw of our friendship?

  1. Go to the police. She has made a pornographic film of you without your consent and has profited from that.

    It’s totally illegal and dangerous for you as your body is now sexually out in the wild. She has prostituted you for money like a pimp.

    She deserves to be prosecuted because she knew EXACTLY what she was doing.

  2. Call the cops. Revenge porn, which this is, is illegal. She needs jail time

  3. File revenge porn charges. If she did not have a signed release form for that footage, she did not have your legal permission to release that content.

  4. 100% speak with a lawyer! What she did was illegal. I would absolutely press charges. That’s no friend of yours.

  5. She is definitely never a friend if she did that to you, you need get the police involved immediately

  6. What she do is horrible and I agree I think you need to go talk to a lawyer about this

  7. I think you should get a lawyer and go to the police. I think in most places what your friend is a crime.

  8. Next time you want to write a story about your best friend being weird, you need to keep your ages straight. It seems in the matter of 38 days, she lost a year and you gained one.

    My friend 21F is being weird that I’m 20F dating our friend 23M

    My friend is being weird because I am dating our friend

    I’ve been friends with this girl for a long time (7years) I love her so bad she’s my best friend. A few months ago I started liking our friend. She was closer to him than I was but he’s relatively new in our lives and we actually met him on the same day. One night we shared a drunken kiss and I told her as soon as I got home. I asked her if she found it weird and she said no. We started seeing each other more shortly after (we had never spent time alone before this) and I would ask her all the time “do you find this weird?” “Do you like him because I’ll stop now?” I’ve asked her over 25 times and she would even go as far to say “get in a relationship with him”.

    Now a few months have gone by and me and this guy obviously like each other a lot. We don’t actively kiss, hug or flirt with each other when she’s there so we don’t make things awkward by accident. But recently she has been making sly remarks and making me feel really sh*t about liking him. She even gave me an ultimatum that if me and this guy make things official that she would cut him off. She’ll say things like “you fuck my friends” and she was genuinely shocked that he liked me back. If we’re hanging out she makes it her mission to sit inbetween us & she won’t want me at places he’s at. It’s come to a point where she’ll be mad at me if I go on a date with him.

    One time I told her how comfortable this guy makes me and how nice I think things are going and she went and told him that he makes me really uncomfortable and that he should leave me alone. When I confronted her she said she must’ve misinterpreted what I said.

    I just don’t know what to do. I don’t want to leave him alone but it feels like my only solution.

    Everytime I ask her what the issue is she just says “I don’t know it’s just weird”. Really I wanna be able to talk to her about him and say how fun our dates are without her being mad at me.

    I feel like I’m going behind her back even asking my other friends for advice I don’t want there to be an actual problem I just want a resolution.

  9. This should be your final straw and you should put her on blast for being a POS.

  10. You said she filmed a clip of you. Did you sign anything stating that she could, or did she record you in secret?

    If this was filmed with your prior consent and knowledge and you signed away rights, that could lead to complications should you take her to court.

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