I feel so icky using subreddit because I’m not used to talking or sharing out my feelings, usually just keep things privately to myself. Anyways, I’m a 20 yr old (F) and currently dating a 21 (M) my boyfriend. I don’t know if I’m tripping out but we live about an hour or two drive away from each other so the distance is a bit far but doable on the weekends whenever we have time. I am still in university and work on the side and had to change my schedule to make time to spend time and whenever I’m free I go straight home to call and watch something or play games. I’m constantly putting in effort and making sure that no matter the distance I’ll always love him. However, he brought up us breaking up because of the distance and when I cried on the phone he pretty much just left and texted me about it instead lol and I’m just like a relationship is about compromise and it’s not always going to be easy. It’s just I would never bring it up and it makes me feel like it’s okay if he loses me while I’m not. Idk what to do or feel anymore.

  1. If 1-2 hours distance is making him wanna break up.. Sis, it isn’t the distance at all.

  2. If he wants to go…let him. I spend longer that that travelling to work every day

  3. how often would you guys see each other? its possible that might have something to do with it but i feel he might have found someone else closer too?

  4. He clearly does not value you as a partner more than overcoming the distance.

    I’d say, don’t waste your time with him. He is not as serious as you are. It would make for a strong asymmetry in the relationship, making it unstable.

    I think the goal of a relationship is that both partners value each other more than themselves. He clearly is not holding up his end.

    It’s also likely not just the distance. If he did not propose moving in, or does not have the patience to get to know each other before one of you uprooting their lives to move closer, it says something.

    I think you are in the prime of your life for seeking a partner, and very mature (knowing that a relationship is a bout compromise). Don’t cry over this jerk. There are plenty of good people out there looking for you.

  5. If you are having these problems after being together for one month you should probably break up.

  6. Even though his reason might be an excuse but that’s the reason he gave, so that’s the reason you have to believe in.

    Some people are not even willing to try long distance and then some people try it and realize it’s not for them.

    You just have to accept their reason for ending relationship.

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