First of all sorry if there’s any mistakes as english is my second language. Throwaway account in case he checks my main.

I used to consider myself to be confident, but lately I’ve been doubting myself because of some things my boyfriend has done.

– Will suddenly stare at my face and tell me that I need to take better care of my eyebrows, that I’m breaking out, that my facial hair is starting to grow back.

– He was with one of his best friends, I walked over to say hi to them and he angrily scolded me in front of his friend “what is with that long face? Smile, and at least try to look pretty” while his friend awkwardly stared at the ground

– He tells me about sex dreams he has with celebs and female friends, but freaked out when I did the same thing once

– One of his female friends (let’s call her Mary) usually flirts with him (he always says that’s just how he acts w/ her friends and refuses to cut contact with her), told him “I think your girlfriend is beautiful but she looks really bad in your profile picture” He screenshotted the convo and sent it to me, saying “wow she’s so weird”

– I’m skinny and petite while he’s kind of a big guy that’s why he has chubby thighs and butt. Two of his female friends, while walking next to us said hi, and one of them said “imagine being thicker than your own girl”, the other girl just laughed. I was mortified and just pretended I didn’t hear it, and then he said “Did you hear what they said?” I said no, then he repeated it and said “they are so silly right”

– Likes to go to parties, which I’m okay with, but I specifically asked him to please not dance with Mary. When he went to a party last weekend, they danced and he told me she tried to grind on him. I was hurt because we agreed he could dance with anyone just not her, and he got angry and told me “I’m free to do whatever I want so you better get used to it”

These are just some of the moments I’ve endured over the past few months, we’ve been together for two years. He was always like this, and I would just take it because i didn’t want to overreact, but it’s becoming worse

tl;dr my boyfriend does hurtful comments, I can’t tell if he’s just being too honest or if he’s being mean on purpose

  1. Girl. I hate to break it to you but you need to run as fast as you can. This relationship is FULL of red flags. He doesn’t respect you and yes he is trying to control you. It will only get worse from here. The longer you’re in it the harder it will be to get out of this relationship.

  2. He’s being mean on purpose. Even if he’s not doing it on “purpose” he’s clueless and a bully. DUMP HIM. He will not change.

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