How to stop chasing girls over instagram(like sliding in dms and that stuff)

How to stop chasing girls at all?

Im 16 years old.

  1. Lol I don’t think this is a problem but if you insist that you want to stop then just delete your social media. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Find something better to do with your time. Some of these girls on Instagram are not really worth it anyways.

  3. Sounds like you may have an anxiety problem that you get relief from by doing this compulsive habit.

    Visit your doctor or a therapist to help you out. Also…

    My biggest recommendation is to get into weight lifting and fitness. If you don’t have access to a gym there are plenty of body weight excercises that can do to build muscle.

    A solid year of working out will change you physically and mentally. It has literally saved my life. The confidence you will gain will crossover into every facet of your life and make all of those areas seem just a little bit easier. Life is just a little bit easier for a v-shaped man. Sounds corny but it doesn’t mean its not true.

    For fitness you should check Ryan Humiston on YouTube.

    I would also recommend checking out Richard Cooper and Rollo Tomassi on YouTube for issues relating to girls and dating .

    You’re so young man. Focus your time and energy on developing yourself physically, mentally and socially. Everyone of these areas overlap so if you improve on one the other will improve slightly too.

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