So just for clarification I’m 19 in college, and I know the whole thing with the note seems a little juvenile, however I just wanted a second opinion, hopefully from a woman’s perspective. So I had the thought of leaving a note for this girl I thought was really cute, just asking if she’s single or if we could talk after class, but I just thought that I should get some more advice ,recommendations or just opinions on the topic. Is this a good idea, is it too weird or creepy?

  1. I’m a guy, and I’d take a note as a compliment, why would she not take it as a compliment?

    but I’d guess it depends on the note

  2. j talk to her 🙂 i think a note is cute but maybe ask for her snap and chat after class

  3. Just talk to her. I would be super scared of leaving something like a note, which in this day and age could be used as evidence of harassment or whatever.

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