what is your priority while choosing house chores?

  1. Things that will cause issues like pests if they go undone (e.g.: emptying trash, washing dishes, etc.) are the first priority.

  2. My girlfriend and I split chores by playing to our strengths. We’re more likely to do a task or chore if we don’t hate it. I do all of the laundry while everything in the kitchen is her domain. We clean up behind ourselves in rooms that we share like the living room and bedroom. Hobby rooms are cleaned by each owner.

  3. Dishes done daily after dinner. Common areas always kept clean such as kitchen and family room. Bedrooms is last. Walk-in closet forever remains a wreck.

  4. I start with the most visible. I feel more gratified and accomplished when I get the big stuff out of the way first. Then it seems like the smaller stuff isn’t such a big deal.

  5. Whatever is in the way. I’m anxious and depressed and live alone. I take out the trash when nothing more fits in, I clean up when it’s preventing me to get where/what I’m looking for. I have a bag for dirty laundry and when it’s full, I put it in the washer. The obly exception is kitchen ware – I live with a bunch of people who might need them, so I wash them as soon as I’m done with them.

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