As the title states, I (19F) am tired of just giving oral to my boyfriend (18M). We’ve been together for just over a year and it’s been mostly been great. The main issue I’ve been having is that I tell him I want sex and he says that he’d just prefer to receive oral. At the beginning of our relationship, I only wanted to give oral because of age and anxiety over various things. As our relationship progressed, we started getting intimate and having sex. For months now, he will say that he wants oral and I’ll say that I’d like to have sex. He’ll make the agreement that if I give it to him now, then we’ll do it later in the day. Then later when I try to initiate it or even bring it up, he’ll say not today and maybe another day. We’re both pretty busy and only have two maybe three days a week we’re able to do anything. Today he did it again, and I became disappointed and frustrated. When I tried to explain why I was frustrated, he turned it around on me like I was trying to make him do something he didn’t want to. I understand not being in the mood, but it happens so frequently that I’ve become a bit frustrated. I feel like a horrible person, but I also don’t know what to do about the situation.

TLDR; I feel like a horrible person because I’d rather have sex than just give my boyfriend oral.

  1. INFO: Does he ever give you oral or is he the only one getting pleasure? If not, that’s ridiculously unfair. Talk to him about it and tell him that your needs are not being met and that you need more effort.

  2. You are responsible for all the sexual labor and he’s the only one benefiting from it.

    Marx would tell you to take control of the means of production

  3. So stop blowing him.

    He says he’s rather just get head. You’d rather have sex.

    Why are his wants more important than yours?

    You are literally being used by a selfish jackass. Him telling you he’d rather just get head is him directly telling you that he doesn’t care about you. If someone is your partner, they should care about your feelings, and they should definitely care about your pleasure.

    You deserve better. You can do better.

  4. Gain some self respect holey sheet

    Why are you blowing this guy for nothing?

    You want sex, he only wants his half of sex, so break up. Easy mode OP

    Find a man that wants to please you

  5. I’m not sure why you’re the one feeling bad about this. He’s the one treating a human like a flesh light, he’s the one who should feel bad. Go find yourself a man who will return the favour. You know….he doesn’t even have to have sex to do that? He could just go down on you too…but I’d be willing to bet money he never has and finds the suggestion ridiculous. Men like him never change, he will always be a selfish lover. Better to just move on.

  6. Okay, but why do you keep doing it when you know exactly what’s (not) gonna happen?

    Why do you keep doing it when he never gives you oral?

    Why are you with this guy when he has the audacity to turn it around on you?

    Send him a link to a fleshlight he can buy online and wish him well.

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