Hi guys,

I (29M) took a liking to someone (25F) last year at a place I would frequent, daily.

She came to my attention after noticing that she’d intensely stare and smile at me in passing.

We started talking very briefly, but never dated. Although embarrassing to admit, I don’t have a lot of dating experience and being painfully shy, I wasn’t quite catching on.

I thought things had died down but after a while, I started to notice some very odd coincidences.

I started to notice her mimicking my schedule and reacting to a lot of the things that I was doing — both in person and online.

The online behaviour surprised me the most as we didn’t follow each other, so I wasn’t aware that she knew my socials at the time.

She would pop up at random places that I was at, at random times, almost as though she was keeping tabs on me.

There was a series of other things too that when I look back on, the chances of them happening randomly must’ve been in the realm of a million to one.

I thought I was going completely crazy until a mutual friend mentioned in confidence that she ‘checks’ my social media. Then everything started to make sense.

A few months pass and things concluded with her quickly moving in to a new relationship.

I’d developed feelings for her at this point but my shyness had gotten the best of me and the window of opportunity had passed. Once I saw that she was in a relationship, I removed myself and I haven’t seen or even looked at her socials in several months.

I thought that it was all over with until recently when I started to notice some very weird coincidences again.

Despite — I’m assuming — still being in a relationship, someone had told me in confidence that she’d been asking about me and again, it all started to make sense.

I was seeing a lot of the same coincidences happen that had happened months prior.

I did a few things to double check and surprisingly, they all panned out.

I immediately made my socials private but needless to say, my emotions are completely shot as I still have feelings for her, but I’ve been trying my best to move on and forget.

I haven’t experienced anything like this before and it hasn’t been sitting too well with me. I find it pretty alarming.

What could be a possible motive for this?


  1. Why are you hiding from this woman you like? You don’t even know if she is in a relationship. What’s going on inside you that is making you react this way?

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