Hey everyone! I was watching this show the other day where a couple has a threesome with another woman. They all enjoyed it and afterwards the couple discussed it like “Wow, she’s like the Michael Jordan of erotic stimuli! And that thing she did with the… Oh my god!”. Which got me thinking. What thing would that be?

I aim to please. But frankly, successful navigation of the female genitalia has a lot of variables. Every woman is different and into different stuff. As a result of this, I feel like my overall sexual approach has become kinda stale and unexciting. I play it safe, you know?

Sure, I go down on her, kiss the neck and stomach along the way. I attempt dirty talk, but I suck at it (my whole frame of reference comes from porn made for dudes, and in my experience real women don’t usually dig that). Other than that it’s like, yeah, find the little man in the boat, keeping doing whatever makes her moan the most, eventually put that thang in, enjoy yourself and hope for the best.

But screw that. I wanna go for the gold. I want the next woman I have sex with to call her friends the next day to obnoxiously brag about the unspeakable things I did to her. So, for the time being, let those things be speakable. What thing did a guy to you that still has you reminiscing years later? What thing do you secretly wish a guy would do to you, but that you might be too scared to ask for? Your best tips and tricks. And details please.

Help me help you by making me a master of the cunnilingal arts.

  1. My husband makes me blackout from pleasure when he goes down on me. We have a very adventurous sex life though so no complaints all around.

  2. I was at a beach resort with my bf and I was wearing my bikini about to go to the beach and my bf came up beyond me and was like damn you look sooo hot, started to untie my bikini bottoms and laid me on the bed and ate me out on the hotel bed and it was šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ

    We ordered wine room service and then took a bath after we fucked and drank our wine in the tub .. best day of my life tbh lol

  3. Playing out her fantasies. Figure out what she is in to.
    Some like it rough, some are more vanilla. Some like unexpected things, others are more shy. I feel like to each their own. Fuck in unexpected locations or unexpectedly go down on her. Introduction of sex toys. All these new sexual adventurous things she has not done before would earn you a gold star if it would be done with you. Just fucking becomes boring after a while. Spice it up.

  4. A few things. My partner knows Iā€™m an absolute sucker for hearing him moan and one time when we were spooning and I was already really horny and wet he clasped my arms to my sides so I couldnā€™t touch myself and started moaning in my ear and grinding himself against my ass. Being denied by him and so turned on by him at the same time was unbearable in a very sweet way

  5. Sex appeal is a huge factor. Take care of your body every day and it will pay you back in your partner selection and sex life. Confidence is a big deal, knowing how to mix with someones personality is a big deal.

    I’d say that comfort is underrated as well. Making someone so comfortable with you and themselves that they can let loose makes a big difference. Also study up to eat that pussy. “She Comes First”.

    Making your image is also important of you’re attracting women. How they perceive you outside the bedroom makes a big difference.

    I’ve always found that being a power couple helps. Two confident people having a good time.

    People aren’t going to like these answers but I’ve found them to be relevant.

  6. I would say teasing never gets old! Itā€™s a good way to keep yourself tuned into someone and what theyā€™re liking. Every time my partner my can tell Iā€™m really liking something and he pulls away – like if heā€™s kissing my neck and Iā€™m really into it and he pulls away and just breathes on my neck for a second šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø or when heā€™s going down on me and Iā€™m getting close and he switches too a much lighter or slower paceā€¦ Iā€™m sure that could be just frustrating and annoying to some, but if the person youā€™re with likes a bit of teasing, itā€™s hot!

  7. The first sexual experience I had where I TRULY loved it (left thinking oh my god thatā€™s what itā€™s supposed to be like) was a combination of so many things I didnā€™t know I needed. I used to say that he was the best I ever had, but since then with my current partner Iā€™m in heaven every time. Which honestly I attribute toā€¦ letā€™s call him J, because after him I knew exactly what I liked and also felt more open.

    J, was very slow and deliberate anytime he touched me. Super gentle yet heā€™d also put his hand around my throat. Never even entertained the idea of being chocked before him but god damn did he make me want it. Iā€™m very shy, always have been so any time I did something a little adventurous (for me anyway) heā€™d kiss my neck and whisper ā€œgood girlā€ in my ear and that he was proud of me.

    Any time we have sex heā€™d undress me, slowly. Again, Iā€™m very shy and self conscious and honestly would tend to keep my clothes on during sex. (Tits out, have on a dress or skirt with no panties so Iā€™m accessible of course but still some what covered). But he was not having any of that šŸ˜‚ he would slowly and gently strip me while kissing me and touching me and oh my god it was so so hot. He would have me so worked up I didnā€™t have the mental capacity to feel self conscious.

    He was the first guy I had been with who was vocal when I went down on him. He definitely made me feel confident in what I was doing so it made me want to do it more. Fit his part, this man had a magic tongue. Iā€™d had men go down on me before. It it was just alright and it wasnā€™t something I craved. J definitely knew what he was doing and id cum 3 or 4 times before we even got to piv. The man was simply incredible.

    Now we get to the actual sexā€¦ omg. When you think it canā€™t get any better. He was slow and deliberate in foreplay but this man would then fuck the shit out of me šŸ˜‚ bend my body like a pretzel, flip me over, spank me, hand around my throat again. It was truly mind blowing sex every time.

  8. Have an honest conversation about her wants, fantasies etc, but also ask if your lacking somewhere. My wife abs I have a great time. But I generally don’t last long enough to make her cum from piv unless she is super worked up. We have a few toys. It depends on her mood, sometimes she just wants me to down on her and tease her. Sometimes I see how many times I can make her cum. Being able to read her mood will help more than anything

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