They are normal zombies but they can run.

  1. Probably until I pass of natural causes. I have military training, and I work a job with access to large machinery that would make zombies turn into a pink slushie

  2. I live in the NYC metro area, so unless the zombies decompose or carrion eat them to shreds, I’m probably dead once I run out of food/water in the safety of my house. Maybe a month with some rationing depending on how long power holds.

  3. I live in a heavily populated area. So, it depends on how long I can survive locked inside my apartment with the food in my pantry. So.. 1 day.

  4. You ever noticed how in practically every major zombie film/tv show that isn’t a comedy, the people in that universe have NEVER seen a zombie movie before?

    As we all live in a world where zombies are pop culture, the real question is how long do the zombies last in a zombie apocalypse.

  5. I could kick the shit out of some Walking Dead zombies, but running zombies would be markedly more difficult

  6. I’m not willing to kill non zombies to survive, so probably not long.

  7. What do you mean by “run” ? Do they sprint for max a couple of minutes, or can they jog relentlessly for hours?

    Not that it matters, though, I’d become a zombie pretty fast, but I’d love to be a ultra marathon running zombie.

  8. Probably a while. First few months will be tough as I’ll most likely move as far north as possible. They can’t move if they are frozen solid 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. I have a camping pack (probably even considered a prepper stash) in my closet, with non perishable food, axe, knife, rope, wire, tarp, fishing rod, etc… If I could get that and make it out of the city, I’d reckon a few years if not decades. I have bushcraft and survival skills as well. It’s getting out of the city that would be tough when everyone is in full panic mode. If I made it out alone, I’d probably go crazy within a year though. Solitude can destroy anyone’s sanity.

  10. My chances are good. I can survive for several years without leaving my farm. I have heavy equipment and an arsenal. They can run, but they can’t outrun my rifles. Shotguns and handguns and the rifles with bayonets work well if they manage to get in close. I have water, food, the ability to grow and acquire more food, and an underground bunker.

  11. Hard to say but if I survived any length of time at some point a kidney stone would kill me lol

  12. I’d survive until other people become the problem. Zombies are kind of whack, unless they’re the 28 days/weeks variety. Then, they’re just adrenaline-fueled angry motherfuckers who can sprint forever. that’s just unfair.

  13. My only worry is if any zombie blood gets in your system, it’s only time. Right? Typically? So before killing one, you’d need to be prepared for that splash. Hopefully they aren’t 28 days later run zombies.

  14. What do you have to offer? I’m only helping you if you can help me.

    I’m fine on my own, but help could make life easier.

  15. I’d die within the first 2-3 days. Having a family makes it difficult to be mobile, and everyone would be hitting the road with the same thoughts as me – head north.

  16. Run as in like the ones in World War Z? Hard pass.

    If they were like the ones in The Walking Dead then I think I could last a good while

  17. I know a secret place no zombie could ever dream of getting to, there is a lake filled with fish, and all the materials to build a decent home are within a 2-mile radius. I wouldn’t have to worry about much competition either. I dont know anyone else who could make it there, and if for some reason they had what it takes to get there I would want them on my team so we would become friends. If I can make it there, forever. If not, maybe a couple years

  18. According to a Facebook quiz I took a decade ago I would last till the apolocolyse was over.

    In reality:

    Probably not long. I mean I live near wilderness. However chances are a mountain lion or a pack of coyotes are just as happy to end me as a zombie and likley better equipped for it. So that’s not an option unless I had a group with me. And any location near me that offers guns or non perishables that could tide me over till I reawakened my inner caveman are miles away packed in dense city. Which would prob not be an option either given the whole apolocolypse bit. Just as likley to get shot by someone hoping I had something good as to be zombie food. And while I am full confident humans would rely on our biggest strength being communities eventually, during the early parts of the apocalypse it will likley be chaos and everyone pushing anyone who isn’t family under water to breath so to speak before our evolutionary instincts kick in and override the panic and get people to form groups for protection.

    So maybe like a month tops? Lol. I got enough rice and non perishables to last me a few weeks if I was in survival mode(that only mattering if i had a source of clean water). But once I had to venture out I’d likley be as fucked as a majority of the population, and that’s considering the zombie only keep to the inner city and don’t wander outwards.

  19. I think if we’re talking about the type of zombie apocalypse you see in movies then probably a few weeks or 1-2 months if I got REALLY lucky.

    I keep an emergency bag of some basic supplies so even if I’m caught with the fridge/pantry a little low I at least have the basics covered for a few days. With how much food/water I usually keep on hand I could just stay in my apartment, barricade it up and stay silent as a ghost for a few weeks and be okay (at least physically, COVID taught me that isolation can be rough on your mental state first hand).

    It’d be having to venture outside once I’m out of food/water that’s really dangerous and if I’m honest I, like most people, would die pretty fast.

    I kind of like the idea of prepping a little bit so I have looked into it and plan to make my emergency bag better stocked and to keep, eventually, three months worth of essentials at all times at my home.

    I think when people think about this stuff they don’t realise the true challenge: water. Keeping a few days worth of water is easy but a few months worth of water is A LOT of water! You need it not just for drinking but for hygiene and even disinfecting via boiling things. To even survive a few weeks totally inside I would be filling every container, bag or other object that could hold water with water ASAP on day one.

    Small tangent: I see so manny ‘preppers’ who stock up for YEARS and spend entirely too much money to survive what would essentially be an end of the world event… that to me is insane. IMO your goal if you want to be ‘prepared’ for some massive disruption to your life as you know it (be it a virus, war or natural disaster) should be at MOST giving yourself a few months of total self sufficiency. If help hasn’t arrived by then you’re likely in deeper shit than anybody could ever prepare for.

  20. You know the zombie movies always have that opening montage of rapid infections? Where it just multiplies until the main character can get the fuck out of there? Yeah, I died during that.

    Edit: At **best**, I’d be like the scientist in World War Z that slipped on the ramp into the aircraft and accidentally shot himself in the head.

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