Would you date a doctor in his early 30’s who makes really good money but barely have time to spend it with you? If he has time, he does spend it with you though…

  1. When I was looking it was really important for me to find a partner with a good work-life balance. Do you have that?

  2. As long as you don’t trauma dump about cedif or whatever is the rage, I’m sure they would be willing to date you.

  3. Ask yourself are you fine with dating someone and seeing them once a week or you meed to see them every day and you need that time . Its all depending on how invested people are , some can date and see each other way less and some need daily .

  4. I think as someone who is very career driven, a independent man who is just as ambitious would be such a turn on for me. It depends on the women though, some women require more attention than others and communication early on is definitely key. As long as both are secure in their relationship and partner I don’t believe time is the determiner of a healthy relationship, more so how the individuals choose to make it work for them. <3

  5. I wouldn’t. I know I value quality time with whoever I’m dating the most. If I could date someone who I can get to know more through quality time and makes less, I would

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