Especially when i’m not at my best, people’s teasy jokes annoy me so much because they’re not funny, and i feel bad because most of the time it’s probably lighthearted, not personal and not that deep.

I have 3 siblings who always used to tease me and it made me so mad sometimes. It taught me to not take myself too seriously though but switching to that mindset is difficult sometimes

  1. Just keep at it. You know the problem so you know the solution. It may be difficult but at least it’s not impossible in your current mental framework.

    Teasing among adults is usually an invitation to play, or banter. When you replace your conditioned response for another, you’ll get more from these interactions. Plus it’ll demonstrate high social value.

  2. ‘good one’

    ‘lol, so funny’

    ‘an oldie but a goodie!’

    delivered deadpan, without looking up from whatever you’re doing. teasing is tiresome.

  3. Eldest sibling here: I had to tell my bros not to value my opinion so highly. The playing field for respect is broad once you are of age, set a bar and leave room for fun: but no farther. Wanna banter? my game is weak, try me.

  4. Do the jokes have any truth to them? If it’s not true don’t let it bother you. If it is true, ask yourself why they are trying to indirectly torment you about it? You might say: “Are you sure you aren’t talking about yourself?” (People usually are when they are putting someone else down) *if they are indeed insulting you.

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