I broke up with my ex long time ago but came back to talk again. Most of our conversations are mainly about work and games. Recently, he called me and told me that we have to stop talking bc his new gf is not very happy about it. She feels like he is secretly cheating by texting his ex. I kinda understand his gf but i feel a bit disappointed. We said goodbye and I started to cry after. Feel like it is not fair but probably fair for his new gf

  1. Yes,it sucks. You have lost him as both a partner and a friend now and such is life. Sure, some ex couples can stay as friends but most can’t and that’s why there ought to be a hard line in the sand that is drawn by the new gf, to set that boundary, to protect their relationship

    How would you feel if the roles were reversed? If you found out that your new man is still messaging his ex?

  2. Seems like you don’t need any advice here. You did the right thing OP. Now respect the decision and if he tries to do anything shady, correct him as a friend.

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