I was going through a stalking problem recently, my new friend Jay helped me. Him and his mother were angels, they housed me and helped me go to the police. Everything was fine until yesterday’s night.
I thought I made a great friend, Jay would sit with me for hours, listen to me, he convinced me to take proper steps for the problem.
I was relieved.

Yesterday after dinner at his mom’s house, while we were alone, he confessed to liking me. He said he is lost and doesn’t know what to do. Basically telling me that he likes me and wants to know how I feel about him.

I am spiralling ever since, why can’t he be my friend? I loved his company and positive vibes. I told him honestly that I don’t like him romantically. He is acting passive aggressively. He removed me from his study groups. Fine, he is distancing himself from me.
I am just so sad and sorry.

  1. There’s a good chance he never really did this out of the kindness of his heart. I know that doesn’t help you now but it might in the long run to understand he may never have just wanted to be your friend.

    You don’t want a friend like this anyway.

    Regardless, you have nothing to be sorry about. You can ask him why he can’t just be your friend but some guys simply cannot be friends with women. They never learned how.

    For what it’s worth distancing from you is probably for the best. I hope he doesn’t feel as if you owe him anything because you don’t owe him a relationship.

  2. Sometimes, people unfortunately fall in love with their friends. Perhaps, he’ll seek out friendship with you again once he’s sorted out his feelings.

  3. He’s manipulative and not actually a nice erson op. He only wore that mask to get in your pants.

    That is so fucked up, but that unfortunately is the case. ://

    You CAN have platonic friends.

    You can have many platonic friends, across all genders, and EVEN across the awkwardness of one-sided /unrequited attractions.

    Many a perfectly healthy and supportive long-term friendship group, has exs or ex crushes within it.
    But that is based on the people in the friendship being kind, normal, people who actually care about each other.

    This guy lashing out is cruel and scary. It means he didn’t really like you, he just wanted to “have” you.

    So many other wonderful people you will meet, will actually just want to be your mate.

    Hopefully this guy quickly grows up and realises how teenage toxic feeling “owed” a relationship is.

  4. Its got a lot to do with your stage in life. Your peers are overwhelmingly horny. It makes people stupid.

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