Situations where I feel like I’m not important to her happen litteraly every day. Yeasterday I came home very tired and wanted to take a quick nap before spending time with her but she kept calling my name but when I anwsered she didn’t say anything. After like half an hour of this she started crying so I had to get up. Situations like this happen often and some happen more than once. For example, we live very far away from eachother (about 270 km) but we try to see eachother at least twice a month and by saying we I mean only myself. She never made that trip and refuses to do it no matter how much I ask and try to come up with ways to meet. It makes me sad that I at least try to make her happy by doing things she wants but she won’t do the same for me. I remember countless examples of things that I did but she wouldn’t. Is there any way of changing that? I want to make this work because this relationship is great and I don’t want to break up.

  1. >this relationship is great

    Did you even read your own title? Or post? Perspective mate.

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