Reverse orgasm?

Recently during sex, and close to orgasm, all the sudden instead of a wave of pleasure, got a wave of pain in both of my arms. There wasn’t anything awkward positioning that I can tell– It wasn’t a pinched nerve in a way I have experienced those… but metaphorically it felt like a [Lichtenberg Fractal Burning, but faster](

Genitals still were happy but my arms were having none of it. We communicated and paused for massage and pain management.

I’m wondering if this has happened to anyone and if there were noted causes to keep an eye out for or bring to my doctor? (google only had genitalia pain)

Thank you for any perspective!

1 comment
  1. Hope someone can help you. There might be a website where you can pay to ask a physician/describe your problem? Is it an ongoing problem?

    I’d take a look at diet, and any repetitive motions you’re doing in your daily life

    For example if your job or some task you did that day was you doing the same thing repeatedly that could be it. If you are lifiting something using a repetitive motion that could be it. Could be during work or exercise such as weight lifting. If weight lifting maybe lifting too heavy. Could be related toj hanging something off of your body like a camera strap, heavy bag strap, around limbs.

    Could be related to what you eat and drink or how you are sleeping. If you are eating a lot of refined foods or drinking alcohol in excess, or if you are drinking energy drinks. Could be that you are low on certain nutrients or enzymes (could it be a muscle cramp?). Could be that you are falling asleep on your arm or something.

    Could be something deep like something inside your brain or blood stream or privates

    Could be related to preexisting factors if you live a sedentary life, are at risk for conditions (such as being overweight or having insomnia, etc..) or use drugs recreational.

    Could be an allergic reaction to a product during sex like lube?

    Might be worth seeing or asking a doctor.

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