im socially awkward and dont know if this is weird or not. additionally, my partner (and probably me too) is autistic so i’m not sure if she can get a good feel on the situation. really just need outsiders perspective.

my fiancé and I work together and get along really well with a three of our coworkers. i’ve been at the job for almost two years and worked with all for 1-2 years. my fiancé just came on a few months ago but previously worked with one of them for six months.

they’re a married couple and the wife’s best friend since high school so they’re all super close. we are in early 20s and they are in mid thirties so it makes sense to not be close outside of work even though we spend more time talking with them (at work) than we do any of our friends. we have only hung out a couple times outside of work.

my fiancé thinks it’s fine, but i’m not sure if it’d be awkward to invite them. the wedding is literally only 35 people so they’d show up and be the only ones who aren’t family or friends that we’ve had for years. we just dont have any any other distant friends to invite to make it seem more normal to invite them. i’m not sure if im justified in feeling weird though because I feel awkward about the whole wedding in general. should we invite them or is it kinda weird?

1 comment
  1. it depends, 35 people seems more like a private wedding in my opinion. but if you have the desire to share this important day with them go for it!

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