Hi everyone, i [25M] want to ask how i would and if i should continue the contact with this girl [19F]. (Sory for the long story)

We matched on tinder (she is very attractive and she was sweet from the start.) We texted back and forth for a while before i called her. When we spoke, she said she was going to a rave. I replied “oh nice” to which she said i should “come with”.

I agreed (i can entertain myself for a couple hours on my own anyway on a rave) and went there alone. When i texted her “i arrived”, her phone was off. She replies a couple hours later saying “yesss”. I say “Don’t you want to see me?” Again no answer for x amount of time.

Then i randomly bump into some girl who looks like her. I tap her on the shoulder and ask if she’s xyz? She gives me the biggest stink eye and turns away. A friend of hers comes and stands between us. I back off but i dont go away and i keep dancing there. (I have a good sense of rythm and her friend sees im cool so he goes away.)

A lil later i go away, and i delete my last text to her. She already told me on the phone to not do that. Later in the night she sais “heh?” To which i reply “??”

One week goes by and she sais to me “ok, nvm”… I respond “well” but she sais”let it be”. So i planned on not sending her for a week again but i accidentally text her “im in x-city” a couple of days later. To which she responds “okkk”.

I didn’t expect a response so i was taken by surprise and told her: “wrong chat, sry… im busy but we should call later”. This was a couple of days ago. I was gonna call today but i really dont feel like it.

Lastly another date told me that if you ask someone to come with to an event, she just meant it as a you should go but it doesn’t mean to meet each other there which i find kinda bs but i want to know what you guys think.

  1. I’m going to guess english isn’t your first language because this was a little hard to read but never go to a party on the first date. You can’t talk and see how compatible you are and she invited you with out you knowing what her intentions were. Think this through next time before you just agree to go somewhere they suggest for you to go

  2. Did she really say you should “come with” her? Because if not than you totally misread the situation. If she actually wanted you join her she is acting weird but nevertheless let it be and take the advice from that other comment and never just agree to meet at a party and rather ask a woman on date with just the two of you.

  3. I think it was pretty rude of her to invite you to the rave but never bother to actually meet up with you. A normal person would have met up with you and perhaps introduced you to the friends she was there with and then all of you could have had a nice time. Instead she basically let you dangle alone by yourself the entire night. Not cool.

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