I love my girlfriend, we have been together for half a year and best friends for 5 before that. Something I didn’t realise when we were best friends as much is that she worries about everything a lot. I have no problem giving reassurance and consoling her over worries/insecurities/miscommunications etc. I come from a very stoic anti-emotional family and so I’m not used to the whole reassurance thing but I’m trying my best. It feels like when she brings up the same worries or miscommunications a few days later I feel as though she’s not listening to me at all? I’ve spoken to her about this, we have good communication but I’m just not sure if reassurance is something where I just need to repeat what I said earlier to reaffirm it. Is all I need to do just say what I said before and make sure she knows it’s okay. I feel as though it’s best not to approach the same situation in the same way so I would like to say something different but when there is nothing more to say I don’t know what to do. I don’t tend to overthink things but I just want her to feel her best, how do I go about this?

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