Disabled men of Reddit. What is the dumbest and most annoying situation you were in?

  1. I’m not physically disabled. However, I have anxiety and specifically it is damn near impossible to get me on an airplane. I wish this wasn’t the case, I want to fly. However, I am not financially able to fly often enough to calm the anxiety. Anyway, I was asked to fly to Dallas for work, which isn’t a bad drive for me. I said to them, look I told you flying is extremely hard for me, so if you don’t mind I’ll just drive. Well my work said that was out of the question. So I didn’t go. Then I got the third degree from my boss and my VP about how I just shot my career in the foot because I didn’t go to the goddamn Dallas conference. Like, great, way to make me feel even worse about my battle with flying.

  2. I got a ticket in a handicap spot for not having a placard on my rearview mirror, when I have a handicap plate.

  3. I was temporarily disabled for six months when I broke my hip and femur. I couldn’t drive and had to take train / bus to work while on crutches (50% weight bearing). Some inconsiderate cunt wouldn’t move her bag to allow me to sit down on a full train, in the handicap area, I asked her nicely several times. At one of the train stops, when I could stabilize on crutches, I grabbed the bag and tossed it into the middle of the aisle. She jumped up and I sat down. She glowered at me but moved on.

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