How do I fix this?I really actually want to stop this damned behavior but I’m way to nice to these people and I know I shouldn’t be but it’s a instinct I’ve never let go off.I let them call me ugly and names it really hurts.I get called the term quiet people these days get called “npc” when I’m just chilling doing nothing.It’s honestly frustrating I have to come to Reddit about this and it’s embarrassing as fuck.Aside that my Lunch table calls me white because of the way I speak and act and I don’t know basic stuff black people should know.Bro it’s fucking bs at times.There’s this guy let’s call him Andrew he’s good looking.He got pissed off that I didn’t give him the hw and dude still owes me bread.I’m sorry the person who is having a stroke reading this bs I just need advice and I want to be better!!!!

  1. It’s not embarrassing at all to share it on reddit. I totally understand you, I have been through a similar experience. I had a friend who used to ridicule me for my looks. We were enrolled in a training institute to prepare for our college entrance exam. We all used to live in a hostel. He was my roommate. It became so toxic after a while that every person in our hostel (approx 90 students) used to laugh at me when I used to go by. He never failed to involve strangers in his strife to make me feel less about myself. I am now in college, and he is not with me. I would say one thing, cut these people off, don’t worry about being lonely. Loneliness is by no means a good thing for ur mental health but much better than this abuse. I wish I had done this. Because of my mistake, I still suffer from body image issues. Hope it doesn’t happen with u. Good luck!

  2. Tell them fuck off and don’t talk to them they ain’t your friends hun friends don’t make you feel bad . Learn to say no. It will improve your life immensely . You can practice it with small things if you want .

  3. Being alone may feel awful at first, but it’s way better than surrounding yourself with assholes.

    First create distance. Learn what it means to prioritize yourself and how to create healthy boundaries. New friends will come as a byproduct of growth.

  4. If you can’t set boundaries (e.g. saying “don’t call me ugly” or “you can’t get homework if you call me names”), then you have to cut them out of your life altogether. These are not your friends. They can be upset if they want to be, that’s not your problem.

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