How does it feel to be kissed for the very first time?

  1. The experience itself was honestly neutral for me. I was drunk and it was with a friend of a friend that I met earlier that night, he initiated and I went along with it. It wasn’t bad but it didn’t really feel like anything. It actually made me think that I was indifferent to kissing for some time.

  2. Depends on the other person. If they’re a terrible kisser, open mouth kisser, or have chapped/peeling lips then it’s going to be bad. If they’re a good kisser with soft lips it’s great.

  3. Mine was a complete surprise. I went for his cheek but he kissed me on the lips. It wasn’t bad but it was unexpected.

  4. Awkward, you have no idea if you are doing it right, and it’s even worse if the other person has already some experience

  5. Like you’re noodle and that person is Korean. Slurped the hell Outta lips.

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