Met this beautiful girl last weekend, i thought we clicked and all, first date was great, and made plans for a 2nd one.

But hours before she flaked and texting me saying she can’t make it because she has to be there for her friend because she’s going through something, and asked me to reschedule.

Is this just an excuse to not go out with me ? Any advice would be great!

Wondering if this worth wasting time on.

Thanks y’all!

  1. Maybe. The excuse is prob bs but who knows if that means she doesn’t want to see you. Just reschedule

  2. You know how many times I’ve heard that same generic excuse only to find they were getting their holes filled by another guy? Move on please!

  3. I’d give another date a chance especially since she asked to reschedule, but if she starts to be flakey again I’d leave the ball in her court

  4. Same thing happened to me but before a first date instead. I wish girls would just be honest!

  5. If she continues to build trust through her communication, rescheduling will happen.

    This has happened to me and I am proud to step up and show up for my best friends.

  6. She asked for a reschedule, then reschedule. If she doesn’t show up to the second one, then it’s over.

  7. If she didn’t ask to reschedule to a specific date / time then no, don’t waste your time

  8. You got the answers in the comments.

    Other than that just don’t get your hopes high early on in the relationships not to mention first dates.

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