I met this individual on a dating app. We made an agreement to connect on Skype a few days ago. I was going to go out of my way to do so. Prior to this, I had been asked out by said individual, but I declined because we had only been speaking for about a week and had not exchanged phone numbers. I did agree to a date IRL with a confirmation of identity. Seemed ok and the person was open to doing so. I felt hopeful so I wrote instructions for Skype since the said person is older and doesn’t know how to use the platform well. A few hours before I got an “I’m so sorry thus and such happened at work….let’s reschedule”. I agreed to the reschedule, said I understood and not to work too hard. Said individual said “Thanks” and that’s how the convo ended. I left it at that. I didn’t suggest an alternate time because I was quite disappointed. I haven’t heard back in over 48 hours. Said individual did not unmatch me. Oddly, I updated my profile slightly after the fact and today the said individual did as well. Said individual also launched the app and is out in a different city. Said individual has a daughter so maybe it’s pertaining to her with regard to the new city. Should I follow up at all regarding the work outcome/just to say hey or not? How should I handle this? I am uber confused and annoyed at this point.

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