My ex was 3 years younger than me. We’ve met in the english club that i run.
I’d like to first describe all his characters coz all said he is a character, most unrealistic.
His characteristics:

1. facts
– born in 92
– entp (P is more than 90 %)
– his father wanted to be politicians but not elected.
– wealthy enough
– bad relationship with father
– had cancer but cured. (did bone-marrow transplantation)
– studied for a year in business but stopped, now he is studying Fashion. – love whiskey, mostly he spent his days at the bar.
– having the sis at his age. his sis is similar to their father, successful/working hard/on the right track.

2. Some of Stories about him and personalities
– he was stalked by his gf when he wanted to break-up in uni. By this means, it was obsessing. eg) publicising the sex-video on SNS, talking behind, searching his friend’s info and contact his workplace?
– So he had bad memory of relationship.
– met mostly married women or gfs having already bf.
– He put himself first. and he wanted me to understand.
– it was one and half relationship. He was rubbish to me but many followed him, describing him as kind hearted, open-minded, caring – I got the same feeling tho.
– he’s read many books. Smart, knowledgeable, very good at talking, fun, playful, friendly, favoured (?)
– Whenever he shows up, many feel excited to see him, including me.
– being with him present, somehow we believe we will never get bored.
– not a good listener, talking about himself much, self-loved.

3. I am
– a bit of low self-esteem
– not dependent
– rather emotional
– had gap yrs twice during the courses, loneliness is my thing.
– only child, lacking social skills, infp, doing my best
– I tend to be outsider, but all the time i became the target of some mean typed girls like a bit of attacking?
– I smile a lot, liking all, talking all things good, leading others looked down on me (can be).
– In the meantime, I easily get high, looks like I am too happy ? and reacting huge especially when drunken. lalala~ like this? *especially when in the gathering.
– I was focusing on me, and ma gathering more than him, I think.
– He was very kind at first in our relationship but I might have not given him back enough? ;

4. what happend: there are three events that lead to the end of relationship, he called.
– started the relationship when he grasped my hand and kissed. we all had heartbeat.
– he made me jealous to get me. In the party he was sticking with one girl all day. He told me that was intentional.
– but later he told me that he was actually interested somehow but not much.
– He asked his female friend whether it is okay for him to go to her concert with me and other club members. Coz he is kinda interested in her too when he was with me. haha
* when he had a call from his female friend at 2am, I was reaching out my arm to little bit forcefully have his call. Coz in my excuse, female friend call at 2am was very surprising. I said ‘Let’s take the call’.
> he was shocked. and he wanted me to go home. but we talked and spent the night.
*he was wearing his female hat when he was drinking. I saw the insta pic of the girl. I texted “I feel not comfy. He said sorry. After that he cliked the like button on the pic and commented. I thought my feelings are disrespected. > we had an argument coz he didn’t understand. So we decided to break up.

– but he wanted me back whenever we met in the gathering so we are spending nights together.
– we sitting on the couch and he said ‘I don’t like you feeling angry when his female friend texted him at night.
5. Mild manipulation
– I know the story sounds like teen’s relationship but we are adults now.
– He tried to put me in grey zone, that he already has clearly spoken i belive.
– but he cried haha whenever I tried to draw the line or i dunno. > I became weak and felt cute, and I blamed me for sure.

6. In the gathering
– he was faithful in my gathering.
– many liked him. when we are not in good position, he responded more to my gathering actively working.
– I liked him coz he was really helpful in my gatherings. He brought all the boradgames, sometimes whiskey. When our member bringing beers, he ordered pizza sets.
– Because of him, I assigned 2 at his age as key members.

7. Politics
– When I drew the line, saying I don’t want this kind of casual relationship, he said ‘I don’t understand but okay.
– he posted one cartoon on his insta talking about he tried very hard to be better person but me asking more… haha
– there’s one girl who called me on that day, and delivered his message horribly so we broke up. However, he must have known her character.
– Later I became all alone. He’s meeting ppl he met in the gathering outside, not just me.
– My gathering became almost disaster, ppl wondering why the key person left and actually he was that much important. All things became, I sense, dull and boring. In this regard, I realised I shouldn’t be too reliant on others when it comes to my business, that I care a lot.
– He blocked me on all SNS. Was it really necessary? We even could not end face-to-face.
– did he all plane this somehow? To escape from the relationship with me?

8. Future
– He might have used me likewise to have fun, that I know and he’s given me mixed signals to keep this?
– I still like him somehow. I don’t know.. But I will kick him out of my life as he was really bad to me in the end, could not care about me at all.
– I should cut him off right? but in fact he did it anyway. When I unfollowed one girl’s insta who’s on his side and was a big role to break me up with him, he ended up blocking my insta.
– It was a short. relationship but I liked him and loved him. I’ve never had this hard time when break-up but this one gave me heartbroken, loss of appetite, headache. And bit of depression.
– as I liked him, I started looking at me who’s poor in relationship. I should’ve focused more on the relationship, interaction, seeing through than I focus on my feelings.
– Should I just forget this relationship easily? Was he really bad guy? Why did he have to block me on the day I unfollowed the girl who was mean to me in many ways.

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