Its hard to explain but basically I have a uni cafeteria that I eat at everyday with me and my friends and I’ve noticed that I always get distracted so fucking easily in the midst of conversation. Someone walks in or out, I’ll glance their way. Sometimes I would just glance at a person/a group of people as I’m talking to my friends. At my worst, I’d zone out a little and then I’d snap myself out of it and I guess to others it would seem like a sign of me “full on staring” but that literally isn’t the case?? I’ve noticed this habit getting worse lately. Like it’s hard for me to solely focus on just my friends (idk if this is some sort of sign of adhd?)

But basically I kept doing this to a group of ppl that I do somewhat frequently see at the cafeteria at times but I swear my mind was blank most of the time and I guess I kept unconsciously doing it that it was annoying them and at one point I unconsciously turned my head to stare in their general direction again & one of the boys just purposely stared back at me dead on and I instantly snapped out of my daze/zoning out and instantly had an anxiety attack because he did not look happy :/ how am i suppose to ever go to the cafeteria ever again…i swear i wasnt doing it on purpose…im shaking so hard rn im so scared to ever face that cafeteria ever again…what if they spread rumors about me being a weirdo or something

1 comment
  1. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of people are dealing with a problem where they’re stuck in their phones and own world, so that they never have a chance of noticing anything in the world. At least you don’t have that… Uni can be a very stimulating time, there are people to meet, I think I probably looked at a few people a bit too long occasionally at uni! Maybe you do need to calibrate your behaviours a bit and perhaps try not to stare at one person for too long – so that’s a lesson learned! However, it sounds like you’re not staring and someone else is insecure. Go to the cafeteria because you are not that important, and people have a lot going on in their lives. Finally, it’s perfectly fine to glance at your surroundings, you shouldn’t feel intimidated. Remind yourself (if you start to feel bad for glancing at those who enter the cafeteria) that it is extremely possible that you are waiting for a friend to arrive, and therefore you are checking the faces of those who come in. You have every right to wait for a friend in this way (whether it is true or not)

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