My ex had fell in love with another girl while with me I’ve moved on and healed but it hurts that the girl who he liked while we were together they flirt and right in front of me too and my friend thinks I’m jealous because I’m against it.
Please give me advice what to tell my friend

  1. No contact/block them out and do the same with any friend who doesn’t support you.

  2. I’m a bit confused by this situation.

    You say you have healed and are over it but still you are hurt that they flirt in front of you. Is this flirting happening right now or are you talked about when it happened in the past?

    Do you still have contact with your ex?

    How long ago did you guys break up and how long did the relationship last?

    If you tell her how you feel about it, why doesn’t she believe you? Why is this hard for you to accept?

  3. Like I’m hurt by my friend doing that she knows and she’s purposely doing it or sm I can tell and no I don’t contact him at all I ignore him completely it’s hard for me to accept since I’ve never thought this would happen to me at all that’s why and I’ve told her how I feel and she ignores it

  4. Dude was a jerk flat out, so just block him. And your friend isn’t acting like your friend so I’d get new ones. It’s not about you being “unhealed”, it’s about you healing by protecting yourself from his* unhealed behavior. Don’t be jealous. That girl stepped in to take over that mess. If he was flirting with her when he was with you, he’ll do it to her too 🤷‍♀️

  5. These people don’t respect you and you deserve better, cut contact with both

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