Men who are with someone, how often does your other half get upset/grumpy/mad?

  1. It’s pretty rare but she does get mad at our kids and/or dogs if they jump on her too much; she has a low pain tolerance. I can’t think of the last time she was mad at me, but she may get grumpy if I forget to do something I said I’d do (laundry, dishes, etc.).

  2. I can count the amount of times it’s happened on one hand in the last 5 years. I’ve seen her angry at other people/situations plenty though

  3. Depends on how many dumb shit i ask or do, and how early I did them. Anything past 3pm is considered goofing around, every hour below that and the dumbness of my shit gets higher.

  4. Every day, really needs to quit her job. At me, almost never but in the past I’ve learned this isn’t necessarily a good sign.

  5. She’s generally grumpy and finds something to be upset about daily. Rarely does she get mad

  6. I’d say a couple of times a year. Maybe less. We communicate which prevents a lot of animosity.

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