What are some ways to start out exploring a praise kink? I definitely don’t want to call anyone daddy, but I think this might be a thing for me. Seasoned praise kink lovers or general seasoned kink practicers, where did you start?

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  1. 1. Generally discuss outside of the bedroom to begin with.
    2. Establish limits — what words /phrases / topics are triggering or uncomfortable, and you want to never use
    3. Establish desires — what words do you or your partner get off on
    4. Practice. The first couple of times might be awkward. This is okay. Many of my kinks didn’t really hit that sweet spot until we tried it out 2-4 times. The first times were learning opportunities
    5. Be comfortable saying stop (you can technically use a safeword, but don’t need to if no means no. No becomes your safeword). It okay to pause and regroup if something gets said or done that doesn’t sit well with you

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