I was recently seeing a girl. She was incredibly sweet and kind to me. We got along great. On paper, probably the perfect girl for me. But I soon felt like she was moving too fast for me, and I started becoming distant and avoidant. I communicated some of my boundaries, but subconsciously, it was a precursor to just ending it all. I just couldn’t give her all of me. I like my independence and space.

We only dated for \~2 months. She was ready to go to 100%. She wanted a relationship with me, she was willing to do pretty much anything for me – give me space, whatever. I felt a lot of pressure to meet her on her level (even when I know it wasn’t her intention, and she made that clear). I just felt like committing to anything more than casual dating was locking myself in to a future that I wasn’t sure I wanted.

I could go on and on about how I feel about my situation. But I’m curious – when did you know you found your SO? Was there any “convincing” yourself that it was a good relationship to be in? I feel like I have to do a lot of convincing myself.

  1. How old are you? It’s gonna change my perspective is why I’m asking. Not being weird. 😂

  2. I don’t know how old you are, but relationships are often about timing. Maybe she’s right for you, but you’re not ready to settle down (not sure if that’s what she wanted when you said “100%.”. Maybe she’s not the right person, no matter what the time. All that said, i think sometimes you just KNOW that it’s the right person. But that “knowing” often comes after you know you’re the person you want to be first.

  3. When I was 5. For people who don’t believe it your either ignorant or a troll. Maybe 1% of being a different answer.

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